6 Must-Watch Hindi Web Series Based on Courtroom Drama

Hindi web series based on courtroom drama have gained immense popularity in recent years

These series provide thrilling storylines and shed light on the intricacies of the legal system

"Guilty Minds" revolves around three friends from law school who often find themselves on opposite sides of the law

"Criminal Justice" follows the journey of a man wrongfully accused of murder after a passionate one-night stand

"Your Honor" centers around a man who breaks the law to protect his son from a vengeful gangster

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"Code M" combines courtroom drama with military secrets as an Indian Army lawyer investigates a military encounter case

"Illegal" uncovers layers of corruption and deceit within the legal system as an attorney handles a rape and sexual harassment case

"The Verdict: State vs Nanavati" is based on a real-life Indian legal case and explores murder, intrigue, and the Indian legal system